Exhibition at Bode-Museum, Berlin

News 4. September 2023

Prevent suicide. Talking can help!

The Bode Museum, in cooperation with the “Berlin Suicide Prevention Center”, has set itself the goal, of helping people before they see no way out. With works of art from many centuries, the atmospheric exhibition rooms of the Bode-Museum bring together many fates that strongly moved people at that time. These connections can still be felt today.

In the heart of Berlin’s multinational metropolis, the Bode Museum offers a special place of refuge: In its exhibition spaces, islands of tranquility are created that invite reflection and offer help in times of need. How can a new, hopeful perspective on life open up from a personal crisis? How can one find access to other desperate people and show them a way to the “light at the end of the tunnel”?

On the museum’s media guide, curators from the Bode Museum present objects that give hope that life crises can be overcome. Employees of the Berlin Crisis Service and the Neuhland and U25 counseling centers talk in a short film about how they themselves were able to overcome life crises and how others can be helped before they take the final step toward suicide.

All audio stops and the short film can be played in the museum or at home on your own smartphone.

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Am Kupfergraben | Entrance via “Monbijoubrücke”
10117 Berlin